10 Haunted Places in Alabama

Alabama is a state with a rich history and deep-rooted traditions, and it’s no surprise that it’s home to many stories and legends of ghostly hauntings. From haunted antebellum homes to creepy cemeteries and eerie asylums, the Yellowhammer State has no shortage of haunted places to explore.

For those interested in the paranormal, Alabama offers a wide range of haunted locations, each with its own unique history and ghost stories. From the spirits of Confederate soldiers at Fort Morgan to the ghost of a former pastor at the Adams Grove Presbyterian Church, these spooky spots are sure to give you a chill down your spine.

If you’re brave enough to venture into the unknown and explore these haunted places, you’ll be rewarded with an exciting and unforgettable experience. So, whether you’re a seasoned ghost hunter or just someone who likes a good scare, here is a list of ten haunted places in Alabama that are waiting to be explored.

Related: 10 Places That Are Unexpectedly Creepy

10 The Gaineswood Plantation

Gaineswood Plantation, nestled in Demopolis, Alabama, stands as a testament to the grandeur of the antebellum South—and to its lingering spirits. Built between 1843 and 1861 by General Nathan Bryan Whitfield, this Greek Revival masterpiece embodies the wealth and aspirations of its time. Whitfield, a prosperous planter and businessman, spared no expense in creating this architectural gem, employing renowned artisans and craftsmen.

Legend has it that Gaineswood is haunted by the ghosts of its past inhabitants, with stories of spectral figures roaming its grand halls and eerie whispers echoing in its rooms. One such spirit is said to be a former slave named Nellie. According to the stories, Nellie was a cook who worked in the plantation’s kitchen and died under mysterious circumstances.

There have been numerous reports of strange occurrences and unexplained phenomena at the Gaineswood Plantation over the years, including strange noises, unexplained movements, and other paranormal activity. Some people believe that these phenomena are connected to the legend of Nellie and that her ghost continues to haunt the plantation.[1]

9 The Sloss Furnaces

The Sloss Furnaces in Birmingham, Alabama, is a former ironworks that is now a museum and is said to be haunted by the ghosts of the unfortunate workers who died in industrial accidents. The furnace operated from 1882 to 1971, and the harsh working conditions led to multiple fatal accidents, leaving the place with a tragic history. One of the most infamous accidents happened in 1906. A man named James “Slag” Wormwood slipped at the top of the highest furnace and fell into a pool of melted iron ore. His body melted immediately.

Tragedy struck once again in 1971 when a man named Samuel Blumenthal was on as the watchman at the furnaces. He claimed that during his shift, he came face to face with an entity that appeared to him as part man and part demon. The entity then began to hit him and abuse him, leaving his body battered and bruised. The next day, he was examined by a doctor who confirmed he’d been badly beaten. A few days later, he succumbed to his injuries.

According to local legend, the spirits of James and other workers who lost their lives at the furnace still linger on the site. Visitors and employees have reported strange noises, unexplained movements, and other paranormal activity. Some people have claimed to have seen ghostly figures or felt a presence while inside the furnace.[2]

8 The Fort Morgan Military Museum

The Fort Morgan Military Museum, situated on the picturesque shores of Mobile Bay in Alabama, stands as a living testament to the region’s military history. Originally constructed in the early 19th century, Fort Morgan has played a pivotal role in defending the United States during key conflicts, including the Civil War and both World Wars. The museum, housed within the fort’s historic walls, chronicles the stories of the brave soldiers who served here, showcasing artifacts, weaponry, and interactive exhibits that bring history to life.

The museum is said to be haunted by the ghosts of many soldiers who died while the fort was still in use. One of the more notable ghosts is that of a Confederate soldier who died during the Civil War. One of the most haunted areas of Fort Morgan is the barracks where soldiers used to sleep. In 1917, a prisoner of war killed himself by hanging himself near the barracks. Nowadays, many visitors have claimed to hear him sob, scream, and yell during the late hours.[3]

7 Oakleigh House Museum

The Oakleigh House Museum in Mobile, Alabama, is a historic antebellum house that is full of thousands of artifacts from Mobile’s history. Many of these artifacts are dated between the 1830s and 1900s. However, some say that ghostly souls are attached to these artifacts. These claims aren’t surprising once you’ve seen the items, though—portraits of people with eyes that appear to follow you everywhere and even a wreath braided from deceased human hair.

The Oakleigh house was built by a prominent cotton broker named James W. Roper, and he and his family lived there for generations. In fact, four of his family members have even died in that house, and their souls are said to still walk the halls of their home at night.[4]

6 The Pratt Cotton Gin

Daniel Pratt moved to Georgia from New Hampshire in 1819, where he began his stint with cotton gins. Pratt later moved to Alabama to take advantage of the expanding slave cotton territories. The Daniel Pratt Gin Company was founded in 1833, and he began manufacturing in 1836. In 1838, he formally founded the town of Prattville, Alabama. By the 1850s, Pratt gins were being sold across the U.S. and even in world markets. Prattville also boasted a cotton mill and a woolen mill.

The Pratt Cotton Gin is haunted by The Black Lady who represents the poor and abusive work conditions during the time of the factory’s operating years. She wears a black dress and has been witnessed by locals exploring the area from the hours of 1:00 am to 4:00 am. One of the haunting events that occurred in the factory’s heyday was the death of a little boy named Willie Youngblood, who fell to his death from an elevator shaft. Out of grief and depression, his mother later similarly committed suicide.[5]

5 The Red Lady of Huntingdon College

The legend of the Red Lady of Huntingdon College in Alabama weaves a haunting tale that has intrigued locals and visitors alike for generations. According to the lore, the ghost of the Red Lady is said to roam the corridors of Pratt Hall, one of the oldest buildings on the college campus. The story goes that she was a student at the college in the early 20th century who left her home up north to attend school.

Feeling homesick and lonely, Martha—as she is believed to be—became isolated and hard to live with. After numerous roommates abandoned her, leaving her with no friends, she took to wandering the halls at night, draped in her favorite color, red. Eventually, the Red Lady took her own life in Pratt Hall, and her restless spirit is said to linger there still.

Whispers of eerie encounters with the Red Lady abound, with reports of strange sounds, unexplained cold drafts, and sightings of a spectral figure cloaked in a flowing red gown. Some claim to have heard her weeping in the dead of night, while others tell of feeling an unsettling presence in the empty halls. To this day, the legend of the Red Lady continues to capture the imagination of those who walk the grounds of Huntingdon College, adding a chilling layer to its rich history.[6]

4 Highway 5

Many years ago, a teenage girl and her boyfriend were driving home from prom when they got into a fight. Not wanting to be with him any longer, the girl requested that he pull over and let her out. He did as she asked, and she began walking home. However, she never made it. A truck ran the young girl over and abandoned her there, not even stopping to see if she was alright.

The following morning, her corpse was discovered in a ditch. Legend has it that if you drive down Highway 5 in Lynn, Alabama, you may see the apparition of the girl walking along the road, still trying to get home. Spooky![7]

3 The King-Criswell-Garrett Home

Built by an affluent family, The King-Criswell-Garrett Home has stood for over 150 years. Construction on the home predates the outbreak of the Civil War, but due to the war, the house was never completely finished. For the first time in 2011, paranormal tragedy struck. The owner, who was not an original Garrett family member, claimed that she was attacked. She said that a ghostly entity had played a role in her falling through a weak spot on the attic floor, which led to her tumbling down two stories.

A year later, in 2012, an episode of The Dead Files came out to investigate the home. This episode is called “A Widow’s Rage” and can still be watched today. The hosts of the show believed that the home was haunted by its original owners.[8]

2 Maple Hill Park

Although it may appear to look like any other playground, fitted with a swing set and climbing gym, Maple Hill Playground is more than meets the eye. Its other more commonly known name is “Dead Children’s” Playground. How did it get that name? Well, for starters, it’s part of Maple Hill Park, a local historic cemetery.

Locals often claim that they see the swings moving on their own and that ghostly apparitions can be seen. If you’re a doubter of the paranormal, this could be chalked up to wind and bad vision. After all, no one died there, right? Wrong. A few feet from the playground are miles upon miles of limestone, adding to the eerie landscape. The adjoining cemetery consists of hundreds of children who died in 1918 during the Spanish Flu and are said to run around and play in the dark, shadowy playground.[9]

1 Adams Grove Presbyterian Church

The Adams Grove Presbyterian Church in Alabama is a historic church that is said to be haunted by the ghost of a former pastor. The church was built in the late 1800s and has a rich history in the community.

Locals and non-locals alike have claimed to see different spirits. The haunted church is ironically attached to the most haunted cemetery in Alabama. These spirits aren’t your friendly Casper ghosts, though; they are malevolent. One particular spirit who’s been seen by many both in the church and in the cemetery is that of a man with dark red eyes.

Another ghost is that of a former pastor who died in the church and still lingers on the premises. Visitors have reported strange occurrences, such as ghostly figures seen wandering the church, the sound of crying, and eerie feelings of being watched. Some claim to have felt a sense of unease or to have experienced a chill while inside the church as if the ghostly presence of the former pastor still lingers.

There are even stories of ghostly organ music being heard, even when the organ is not being played, and doors opening and closing on their own accord. Some visitors also claim to have seen the ghost of the former pastor in the pulpit, as if he were still giving sermons.[10]

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